​ Montgomery Presbyterian Church 

10192 Ferguson Avenue, Savannah, Georgia 31406


Click here for directions

Adult Faith Formation


Two separate adult groups meet Sundays at 9:30am for Bible and faith based studies. Newcomers are welcome and expected!


A weekly Bible Study / Prayer Group meets each Monday at 6:30pm in the Turner Building. This is a great opportunity to pray, study, and get to know others. Please join us!


Beth Giuliano leads this noontime lectionary based Bible study. Bring your lunch or get a group together and go for lunch afterwards.

20/40 Club

The 20/40 Club is a group of mid 20-40 year olds who meet for coffee, study, and mutual prayer and encouragement on Saturday mornings and various other times.

Ballroom Dancing

There is a time to mourn and a time to dance. At MPC, that time is 8:00pm on Monday evenings. Come for Bible Study at 6:30pm, then stay and dance, or just come and dance! The classes are free and are led by our own professional ballroom dance instructor, Christopher Alan Cloud. 

Copyright 2022. Montgomery Presbyterian Church. All rights reserved.