Copyright 2022. Montgomery Presbyterian Church. All rights reserved. 

Jenkins Athletic Club, Savannah

Presbyterian Homes of Georgia

Samaritan's Purse Shoebox Ministries

Thornwell Home for Children

Souper Bowl of Caring

Tackling Hunger

Make a Difference - Please click here ​to make a secure, tax deductible gift to our ministries! 

KAIROS Prison Ministry

For as much as you have done it for the least of these, you have done it for me.

​​Here are some of the programs we are proud to support with our time, talents and financial resources.

​We invite you to join us in our faithful efforts to make a difference in the lives of others, and our own!

Presbyterian World Missions

Water Mission - Providing Access to Clean, Safe, Drinking Water 

Presbyterian Disaster Assistance

Second Harvest Food Bank of Coastal Georgia

Coat and blanket drive to comfort the homeless in the city of Savannah

Union Mission

​Angel Tree Program

Thank you all for your faithful prayers and deeds. 

You are making the difference!

CASA (Savannah/Chatham County Court Appointed Special Advocates)

Magdalene House Union Mission

​ Montgomery Presbyterian Church 

10192 Ferguson Avenue, Savannah, Georgia 31406


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