Copyright 2022. Montgomery Presbyterian Church. All rights reserved. 

​ Montgomery Presbyterian Church 

10192 Ferguson Avenue, Savannah, Georgia 31406


Click here for directions


Presbyterian? ​​What's a Presbyterian?

Montgomery Presbyterian is a city-wide church of welcome. We are a congregation that is reformed and always being reformed by God. We are a priesthood of all believers, with a teaching elder (pastor) and ruling elders who oversee the mission and program of the church.  

Our Mission

Reaching In, Reaching Out, Reaching Others

Our Big Hairy Audacious Goal (BHAG)

​To be known as one of the most joyful, inclusive, and growing congregations in the Presbyterian Church (USA).

Our Values

Sola Fida - By grace, we are saved by faith alone and not by our own works. Grace is not conditional but it does demand a response. The works of compassion, mission, and justice are our faithful responses to the amazing grace of God.