Copyright 2022. Montgomery Presbyterian Church. All rights reserved.
Montgomery Presbyterian Church
10192 Ferguson Avenue, Savannah, Georgia 31406
Presbyterian? What's a Presbyterian?
Montgomery Presbyterian is a city-wide church of welcome. We are a congregation that is reformed and always being reformed by God. We are a priesthood of all believers, with a teaching elder (pastor) and ruling elders who oversee the mission and program of the church.
Our Mission
Reaching In, Reaching Out, Reaching Others
Our Big Hairy Audacious Goal (BHAG)
To be known as one of the most joyful, inclusive, and growing congregations in the Presbyterian Church (USA).
Our Values
Sola Fida - By grace, we are saved by faith alone and not by our own works. Grace is not conditional but it does demand a response. The works of compassion, mission, and justice are our faithful responses to the amazing grace of God.